Tierramor english

[…] the longer a way is, the more important it seems, to start walking it resolutely.



Country, City: Mexico, Erongarícuaro

Region: Michoacán

Since: 1999

Goals: Our major goal is to teach others what we‘ve learned and to learn from others.

Offers: Courses, workshops, consulting services (on demand; in Mexico), volunteer


Gemeinschaftszentrum mit dem Garten
Community center with the garden – “zone1” and “zone2”

What we do:

TIERRAMOR is a family initiative supporting a sustainable humane developement and
the spreading of permaculture. We are looking for new ways of sustainable living under ecological, social, emotional and spiritual aspects. We search for and support solutions to face these holistic challanges.

Our prior activities are Natural building or „Bio Construction“ with natural and recycling materials such as:

(1) Renewable energies like solar power, wind power and geothermal energy.

(2) On-site water management systems, for example rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling (reprocessing of sewages from kitchen or bathroom), permaculture are of paramount importance.


The compost toilet in the garden.

Cualti english

The revolution starts in your garden!


Land, City: Mexico, Mexico City

Region: Mexico City D.F.

Since: 2009

Goals: To teach the people about urban agriculture and permaculture and the potentials of urban farming.

Offers: Workshops, seminars, volunteer.

vegetable harvest with workshop participants and local people in Juan/Mexico City


What we do

We are a collective of ten people from different disciplines and with the principles of permaculture we‘re running urban agriculture on the rooftops of the inner city.
We finance ourselfes through workshops that we give, plants, seedlings and selfmade
products, that we sell.
By practising Teqio (a traditional way of collective labour) and Treque (a traditional way of bartering) we get in contact with many people in and around the city and are able to gather new experiences and spread our knowlege.
Furthermore we preserve the wetlands of Xochimilco, Mexico City‘s largest nature sanctuary wich is listed by the UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage. Xochimilco is worldwide known for it‘s „swimming gardens“, mud covered and planted rafts – the chinampas.


Solarpanel für den Gemeinschaftsgarten
Construction of a community garden project with local people on a roof in San Lorenzo Tezonco, Mexico City D.F.


Molinos Verdes de Moringa english

It’s about planting a little seed, be part of the change



Country, City: Costa Rica, San Jose

Region: San Jose

Since: 2010

Goals: We want to create a sustainable world based on the principle of permacultur : people care, earth care and fair share.

Offers: Lectures and workshops, Consulting, Permaculture design systems


Urban Gardening Techniken
Urban Gardening techniques


What we do:

We are an initiative that offers simple and versatile solutions in order to work with nature in a lot of areas, adapting to different situations and with many benefits. We also offer educational resources, advice and create collaborative networks.

Our fields of work are: urban gardening, natural building, clean energy, water management, responsible consumption.

Our focus is to learn, apply and share practical solutions for sustainable development by using  permaculture. Our approach of permaculture is to promote a holistic way of living with nature. We work everyday to integrate the principles of caring for the planet, caring for people and share the surplus.

Some of the ways in which we incorporated these ideas are: edible gardens design, selection of healthy and environmentally friendly food, modular and efficient solutions for everyday, reuse of materials and smart shopping. We therefore teach, encourage and facilitate lifestyles that improve the quality of life of all inhabitants of Costa Rica, but also to help to connect groups and individual worldwide.
Indeed, we share the ethics of Permaculture so that people will be motivated to share with others and to share a new perspective with the general public. More informed and aware people, we demand more healthy and suitable for the environment and people products and services.


Pflanzen an horizontalen Aufbauten
Work for horizontal gardening.


Panya english

We have to be the change, we wish to see in the world.



Land, City: Thailand, Mae Taeng

Region: Chiang MaiSince: 2006

Goals: We want to pass on the knowledge of sustainable life, under aspects of permaculture, and to gain new knowledge.

Offers: Internships, courses for sustainable building, workshops, permaculture courses.


The vegetable garden is located right next to the salat and the kitchen. Small distances facilitate irrigation and harvesting.

What we do

As a community we are dedicated to living a sustainable life in tune with each other and the natural world. We are very passionate about sharing our knowledge, ideas and inspiration. We are also eager to learn from you.

We experiment with and model an integrally sustainable way of living in the wet/dry tropics.
This project aims for sustainability not only in the physical environment, but also in the social environment, our physical bodies and the spiritual, emotional and intellectual realms.

On the four hectare big site is the educational center where frequentliy permaculture courses and workshops on sustainable building are held.
Adjacent to the project is another sustainable living projects, including Pun Pun Educational Centre, a seed saving center and education centre for SE Asian activists as well as international sustainable living enthusiasts.


The community centre Sala of the Panya Projects

Poret english

Thy food is thy medicine.



Land, City: Simbabwe, Mutare

Region: Manicaland

Since: 2006

Goals: „My choice is to work at home – developing something sustainable, something that will contribute light, improve the standard of living, in these very communities that raised me.“ (Julious Piti)

Offers: Permaculture workshops & -trainings.


Julious Piti
Julious Piti is introducing the tree nursery of PORET.

What we do:

PORET stands for Participatory Organic Research Extension and Training.

The project is dedicated to improving the position of local farmers, access to and use of resources, means of production and participation in decision making process.

The main focus lies in creating practical examples to learn from. This includes the maintenance and expansion of the Chaseyama Project Base as a Permaculture Training Centre, and supporting other farmers in adopting the techniques on their own land – and in turn becoming demonstration and training site in their own.

We want to develop an education centre as a learning meeting point for the farmers and their families with all the facilities which are needed to run courses, buildings for teaching and accommodation to have a kindergarten, a library, possibilities to show films, health instructions and possibilities for younger people to learn about permaculture and to do HIV prevention.


The new kindergarten with study sessions for children during the week and some for adults at the weekend.


Guédé Chantier english

No man can possess his own mother and no one can make earth his property.



Country, City: Senegal, Guédé Chantier

Region: Médina Fresbé

Since: 2002

Goals: We want to reduce the waste production by 25% within the next 10 years; Development of sustainable waste economy in Guédé Chantier and neightbour regions; Sanitation of old buildings and expansion to an environment center.

Offers: Volunteer, via request.


Kinder und Erwachsene entfernen Plastikmüll
Many children take part in the school event against plastic.

What we do:

The about 7.000 habitants of Guédé Chantier are living spread over six districs, all of whom having a youth and a women council.

Our CHANTIER COMMUNITY was found to improve the living conditions, which were degraded through the colonial politics.

In the GENETIC RESOURCE CENTER officinal plants and different tree species are cultivated. Workshops on techniques of composting and chemical free pest control are held and over the seedbank we contribute cost-free seeds to local farmers.

Other projects of Guédé Chantier Eco Community are a fish farm, a computer center, a community library, the expansion of the intermediate school, the production of cooking gas, an environmental center and a radiostation.

Garten hinter dem Genetic Resource Center
Behind the Genetic Resource Center there is the large garden for plant propagation and seed multiplication.

Otepic english

come together in communities



Country, City: Kenya, Kitale

Region: Kitale


Goals: Our goal is to grow abundance in mixed cultures – without any chemicals.

Offers: Permaculture Trainings for farmers. Workshops and Seminers on use of permaculture as an alternative way to gain food security and to conserve nature and biodiversity.


Gemüse auf Bananenstauden
Cultivation of vegetables on banana trees.


What we do:

Our main vision is for the communities to have a blooming, independent future with food, water, clean energy and peace prevalence irrespective of their past. Forming a world network of like-minded groups, cooperating with similar communities throughout the world, sharing skills and services, taking political action – and forming the vital nucleus of a new civilization..
We empower communities to grow and enjoy their own food through providing grass root education in skills of sustainability.
Since 2008 we have taught more than 2000 local farmers, women and youth in ecological agriculture, permaculture, peace education, renewable energy technologies and promoted innovative
activities to improve the living standard of people.

We created two demonstration gardens in the poorest neighborhoods of Kitale – a learning garden in Mitume and the Amani Garden in Bidii – to inspire our communities with perspectives and teach them community-based approaches to sustainable development. In follow-up seminars we visit the participants to help and guide them to apply the techniques they have learned in the workshops. Many communities and women initiatives could improve their situation..
we created a seminar house and cultural center in Mitume as a teaching hall and a meeting place for all people.

In 2012, we could build a borehole and a water system driven by a solar pump which provides free drinking water for the families of the community.
Our major challenge is the difficulty in covering the operational costs of the Permerculture Seminars. Regular support is needed to ensure training of various groups of women, youths and the community in general. Financial donations (monthly donation) for extension and project activities are highly welcome.


Aussäen von Gemüse
Sowing vegetables on new beds.

Ndanifor Permaculture Eco Village english

Permaculture the African Way



Country, City: Cameroon, Bafut

Region: Bamenda, Mezam division

Since: 1996

Goals: Our goal is to generate observation baseline maps from accurate land-survey to plan future developments, housing, animals, biogas-plants and the discovery of walking paths.

Offers : Courses in sustainable farming and natural building as well as Workshops and permaculture design courses, Volunteers


Zwei Personen arbeiten auf dem Permakulturfeld
Work in process on the permaculture show field


What we do:

Our vision is to support sustainable growth and development of the region to get a balanced relationship between farmland, housing and commercial areas.
We are a Permaculture Demonstration Site and Center for environmental education and sustainable food production.

On our Land, we organically grow food crops and have products made from our produce, this include planting of native tree species, composing for soil fertility, inter-croping and water catchment protection.

We are training and feeding orphans of God is Great Orphanage and members of the Better World Cooperative Society. One of our fundamental efforts has been to build up stable humus in the soil through composing, which has produced high yields of nutritious, high quality food.
With the acquirement of another three acres of adjacent land on the east edge, we will be able to farm more and construct the Learnig Centre and Eco-lodge. Workshops and permaculture courses will be hosted here as well as international summer work camps. We are welcoming „Weltwärts“ volunteers from Germany and also welcome the Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) for the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) in 2016 to our site.


Garten und Haus des Projektes
Entrance of the project location in the evening light.


Ghana Permaculture Institute english

„Waste less, share more!“


Land, City: Ghana, Techiman

Region: Brong-Ahafo

Since: 2008

Goals: Expansion of the institute to host and teach more people.

Offers: Workshops, courses, volunteer, contributing Moringa soap.

Baumschule des GPI
There are more than 20.000 plants in the tree nursery.

What we do:

Main issues in Ghana are poverty, migration into cities, no access to education in the field of sustainable society developement, ecological destruction which leads to degregation of fertile grounds.

To deal with these problems and to spread the knowlege about sustainable solutions with methods of permaculture, the GHANA PERMACULTURE INSTITUTE (GPI) conducts different projects in Techiman and other regions in Ghana.

With a microloan scheme we are offering women the opportunity to realize own projects.
Aside that we hold workshops in healthy nourishment, business management, home gardening and on other topics while introducing people to permaculture principles. We contribute seeds and other materials.

We made good experiences with the production of moringa soap, mushroom cultivation, ecological cacao farming, tree nurseries and agro forestry/alley-cropping.


Lagerraum der Baumschule
Storage room for substrate container with mushroom spore.

Bizung School of Music and Dance english

Playing for Change


Country, City: Ghana, Tamala

Region: Dagbon Kingdom (northern Ghana)

Since: 2010

Goals: We want to double the number of students we serve by initiating new programs in schools across the globe and to connect the world through Music.

Offers: Courses in Drumming, dance, xylophone, gonje und Vocals. Additionally is the developed urban gardening course.


Mehrere Menschen tanzen zu Trommelmusik
Dance and music courses at the Bizung school.


What we do:

Our vision is to create positive change through music and arts education.
We are a part of the global „playing for change“ movement engaged in community development and empowerment throughout the regions and beyond.

We offer music and dance classes that are rooted in the traditional style of Northern Ghana. Our Projects also help meet essential needs of the larger community. This include the provision of aid such as food, clean water, medicine, clothes, books, school supplies, solar energy, computers, and other modern technology.
Over 15,000 people have been impacted by the Foundation’s community development and empowerment efforts throughout our program regions and beyond.

And critically important to children, particularly those who are vulnerable due to poverty, conflict, drugs, and neglect, is that learning music increases self-esteem and fosters resilience and joy.
Our major challenge is Transportation for students living far away, as well as those living in the region. Building materials.


Zwei Menschen arbeiten im Bio-Garten
2015: We are happy to have our own organic garden.