Otepic english

come together in communities



Country, City: Kenya, Kitale

Region: Kitale


Goals: Our goal is to grow abundance in mixed cultures – without any chemicals.

Offers: Permaculture Trainings for farmers. Workshops and Seminers on use of permaculture as an alternative way to gain food security and to conserve nature and biodiversity.


Gemüse auf Bananenstauden
Cultivation of vegetables on banana trees.


What we do:

Our main vision is for the communities to have a blooming, independent future with food, water, clean energy and peace prevalence irrespective of their past. Forming a world network of like-minded groups, cooperating with similar communities throughout the world, sharing skills and services, taking political action – and forming the vital nucleus of a new civilization..
We empower communities to grow and enjoy their own food through providing grass root education in skills of sustainability.
Since 2008 we have taught more than 2000 local farmers, women and youth in ecological agriculture, permaculture, peace education, renewable energy technologies and promoted innovative
activities to improve the living standard of people.

We created two demonstration gardens in the poorest neighborhoods of Kitale – a learning garden in Mitume and the Amani Garden in Bidii – to inspire our communities with perspectives and teach them community-based approaches to sustainable development. In follow-up seminars we visit the participants to help and guide them to apply the techniques they have learned in the workshops. Many communities and women initiatives could improve their situation..
we created a seminar house and cultural center in Mitume as a teaching hall and a meeting place for all people.

In 2012, we could build a borehole and a water system driven by a solar pump which provides free drinking water for the families of the community.
Our major challenge is the difficulty in covering the operational costs of the Permerculture Seminars. Regular support is needed to ensure training of various groups of women, youths and the community in general. Financial donations (monthly donation) for extension and project activities are highly welcome.


Aussäen von Gemüse
Sowing vegetables on new beds.