Badilisha english

Think global, act local!

Land, City: Kenia, Kisumu

Region: Rusinga Island

Since: 2008

Goals: Our vision is, that all humans should work together to preserve this planet and respect the generally needs of each other.

Offers: Workshops, seminars, volunteer.


Bewässerungsanlage mit PET-Flaschen
It is possible to build an irrigation system with simple elements. UV radiation penetrates through PET and kills germs.


What we do:

We try to meet the challenges that rusinga island is facing and to promote the success of the Millenium-Goals. Rusinga Island ist confronted with general problems that get aggravated by climate change or global disparity.

Poverty, unemployment, HIV/AIDS, weak education and analphabetism, domestic violence, drought, infections like malaria, malnutrition, deforestation, land degregation, collaps of fish stocks are major challenges.

Our prior activities include among other things communty building, food provision for orphans, tutoring, permaculture, sanitary installations, reforesting and volunteering programs. But also donations and partnerships for orphans, schoolarships and other support prospects are also welcomed.

Gemeinschaftsarbeit auf dem Feld
Community work in Badilisha